Saturday, September 5, 2009

missing joongbo...random post.....

michsann, i love the new blog! this totally brings me back to the good 'ol days...spazz 'til we drop!

haptic cm, joongbo version...

"naughty" boy's reaction to the sekshiii Arisong goddess...

then he realizes everyone feels the same......hahaha. ...

ah, behave shillang or i'll send someone your

*credit as tagged/HJ soompi thread/HB mh/imur100*


  1. I laugh hard upon seeing all the 'coincidence' moments. Very creative!!! xDDD

    Look forward to seeing more of your wild imagination sharings..... =^_^=

  2. same here! Hehehe! (^.^)

  3. Nice!!! Hope Hyun Joong oppa can gives us more hints if he's really dating Hwangbo! Them two are made for one another! hehehe! Anyway, did you guys see the FO with Hyori nuna and Hyun Joong together? If did, did you felt any chemistry between them? I didn't! It seems more like he didn't even pay attention to her much like he used to, glancing at her and he doesn't look as comfortable as when he's with Hwangbo!!!^_^ He really oblign to his promise, "...never look at other woman beside buin.." Good Job! Hi5! To the World!


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